The Lost Worldcup
- The Lost Worldcup
- Italy2011
- '95
- 14+ yrs
- director Lorenzo Garzella, Filippo Macelloni
- format Digi Beta
Was there ever a football World Cup during World War II? Official history may deny it, but rumors of a breakaway event in South America have circulated for decades. The discovery of unknown human remains on the outskirts of a small Patagonian town serves as the first part of a remarkable jigsaw piecing together the endeavors of Count Vladimir Otz, an eccentric Hungarian, to stage the World Cup in Argentina in 1942. The film weaves together film footage, interviews from luminaries in world football including Roberto Baggio, Gary Lineker and Joao Havelange, along with recollections from those who claimed to have been part of this extraordinary enterprise.
There are not screenings scheduled.